Editorial Reviews
? Nature
“Papagianni and Morse explore various aspects of the biology, culture, and demise of the Neanderthals, helping to shed light on many of the myths and controversies . . . that had long surrounded this ancient and enigmatic group.”
“Includes the most up-to-date findings and interpretations presented in the technical literature. . . . Recommended.”
“If you want grounding in our current understanding of our human predecessors, Papagianni, and PhD archaeologist and Morse . . . have written the book for you. . . . Highly recommended.”
“Readers learn that the common perception of the Neanderthals has been transformed due to new discoveries and paradigm-shattering scientific innovations.”
“Focused squarely on the Neanderthals in their own right?how they lived, how they evolved, how they inhabited Europe for at least two hundred millennia. . . . The Neanderthals Rediscovered has the fresh charm of treating human evolution as a curious story that leads to the Neanderthals, rather than as a moral tale that rises ever upward and inevitably to us godlike moderns.”
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