Nintendo Selects : Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo Wii)


  • Anything from a Nintendo game could conceivably be in this game, whether it’s a musical score, an obscure item, or a character that shows up to help the fighters.
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl is eminently customisable, so players can choose the frequency of items appearing, adjust musical scores, and play the game however they’d like.
  • For multiplayer games, players pick characters, set rules and locations for where they want to play, and then duke it out.
  • In Solo Mode, characters play through a long, side-scrolling adventure, beating up enemies along the way as they watch short cinematics starring their favourite characters.
  • Choose from four great control options: Wii remote only, Wii remote and Nunchuck, Gamecube controller, and classic contoller.

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EAN: 0045496402051 SKU: NINTENDO-84964 Category: