When “All Things Considered,” the public radio newsprogram that supplies over a million listeners a day with their ears to the world, asked The Firesign Theatre to contribute a regular humor “column” to the program, the veteran audio comedians instantly agreed. “We considered it a great opportunity to get back in touch with some of the folks who loved our albums in the ’70s. People who weren’t aware of the new CDs and DVDs we’ve been producing.”
From the Fourth of July to New Years Eve 2002, Firesign covers the major events and non-events of the day. “Our soldiers are on the ground in Afghanistan and aiming for Baghdad! We comedians have to draw a line in the sand!” proclaimed Firesign founder Peter Bergman. Careening from “Crisis in Terror!” and “The Art of Defense” to “No Jokes About America,” the “TIPs Hotline” and “It’s Saddam Shame,” the Firesign Theatre places itself squarely on the Bush-league firing line.
“Remember that Everything You Know is Wrong!” contributed the unflappable Phil Austin, (with David Ossman and Phil Proctor, the other three founding Firesigns), and opened his microphone to psychic shoe investigator Happy Harry Cox. Using only crude sound-effects, Firesign’s best-known character, Nick Danger (America’s Only Detective!), followed Cox into the studio and brought along his cop-and-criminal partners in surreal radio adventure, Lt. Alvin Bradshaw and Rocky Rococo.
“And don’t forget,” responded elder statesman Ossman, “comedy is heavier than gravity!” and invites street poet Beat St. Jack into the studio to rap about corrupt accountants and Desert Tan uniforms.
“Help! We’re all Prisoners of the 21st century,” concluded Mr. Proctor, who was listening to commentator Hal Stark, “so let’s go Forward Into the Past!” That took the boys straight to Ol’ Elmertown, the home of catalogue storekeepers “Mutt ‘n’ Smutt” and their off-brands of fun.
ALL THINGS FIRESIGN! Also featuring CNNo Evil newsman Bill Undermutter, the “Grass Roots Gourmet,” auto tycoon C. W. “Bob” Heeblehauser and the Rev. Bill Barnstormer of the Reformed Church of Science, Fiction. Plus three Holiday Specials that finally ring in the end of the Millennium. That’s the latest good news from The Firesign Theatre.
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